Discover the Lifesaving App that Every First Responder Must Have on Your Phone!

What App Do First Responders Use?

First responders use a variety of apps depending on their specific needs and roles. Top 5 apps used by first responders include:

1. Zello

This is a push-to-talk app that allows first responders to communicate with each other in real-time over Wi-Fi or cellular data networks.

2. PulsePoint

This app allows users to receive notifications when someone nearby is in need of CPR. It also provides information on the location of the nearest automated external defibrillator (AED).

3. Emergency Medical Spanish Guide (EMSG)

This app provides translations of common medical phrases and questions in Spanish for first responders who may need to communicate with Spanish-speaking patients. You will not get this app on Google Play store. If you want to download this app, you can visit-

What app do first responders use?

4. Active911

This app sends real-time alerts to first responders when there is an emergency in their area. It also provides access to maps, photos, and other important information. You can download this app from-


This app provides real-time alerts from the National Weather Service, so first responders can stay informed about severe weather conditions that may impact their communities.

Overall, there are many different apps available to first responders that can help them do their jobs more effectively and efficiently.

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